In this age of abundant information and diverse opinions, learning is no longer a solitary pursuit. Whether you’re a professional looking to deepen your knowledge or a brand gearing up for a social media campaign, the concept of a Personal Learning Network (PLN) is revolutionizing the way we learn, collaborate, and share expertise. Now, I’ll delve into PLN creation before launching a social media.

Identify the core objectives of the activity:

Before setting up the network, clearly define what the goals of our activities are. Is it awareness, participation, education, or advocacy? Our goal determines the focus of our study

Diversified network:

Find and connect with individuals in a variety of roles, industries, geographies, and cultural backgrounds related to the theme of our events. They can be industry experts or individuals who represent your target role. Platforms such as niche community forums are ideal for this phase of exploration.

Active participation:

Don’t just make connections; Initiate a conversation. Share your campaign ideas, ask for feedback, ask about challenges and trends, and participate in discussions. Active engagement can reveal important insights and build real relationships, not just a contact list.

Take advantage of learning opportunities:

Participate in webinars, virtual meetings, and workshops related to our topics. These activities are new insights, resources, and contacts. More importantly, follow up with participants and speakers after the event, referring to specific learning or questions from the session.

Share the journey:

Be transparent about our campaign objectives, strategies, and challenges. It can be shared via blog, video blog, or regular social media updates. Openness fosters a culture of shared learning.


Approach every interaction with empathy. Effective learning networks thrive on mutual support, mutual respect, and understanding.

Evaluate your PLN regularly:

As the campaign grows, so should your PLN. Regularly assess whether current contacts and activities are aligned with the direction of our activities. Can be recalibrated as needed.


Setting up a PLN before launching a social media campaign is revolutionary. It puts learning at the heart of marketing efforts, ensuring they are informed, relevant, and empathetic. A dynamic PLN can be our inspiration and often our most loyal supporter. So before you launch your campaign, invest in networking and learning that it will not just be your voice, but the echo of the network that you engage with curiosity and sincerity.